
Percona Helm Charts

This repository contains Percona supported Helm charts to deploy MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB clusters on Kubernetes. To deploy and manage the databases you must deploy the corresponding Operator first.

Helm charts in this repository:

Quick start installation

You will need Helm v3 for the installation.

Add the Repository to Helm:

helm repo add percona
helm repo update

Percona Distribution for MySQL Operator

Install the Operator:

helm install my-op percona/pxc-operator

Install Percona XtraDB Cluster:

helm install my-db percona/pxc-db

See more details in:

Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator

Install the Operator:

helm install my-op percona/psmdb-operator

Install Percona Server for MongoDB:

helm install my-db percona/psmdb-db

See more details in:

Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL Operator

Install the Operator:

helm install my-operator percona/pg-operator

Install Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL:

helm install my-db percona/pg-db 

See more details in: