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Use external reference to parameters

To allow storing secrets or any other parameters in a more secure, external location, pg_tde allows users to specify an external reference instead of hardcoded parameters.

In Alpha1 version, pg_tde supports the following external storage methods:

  • file, which just stores the data in a simple file specified by a path. The file should be readable to the postgres process.
  • remote, which uses a HTTP request to retrieve the parameter from the specified url.


To use the file provider with a file location specified by the remote method, use the following command:

SELECT pg_tde_add_key_provider_file(
    json_object( 'type' VALUE 'remote', 'url' VALUE 'http://localhost:8888/hello' )

Or to use the file method, use the following command:

SELECT pg_tde_add_key_provider_file(
    json_object( 'type' VALUE 'remote', 'path' VALUE '/tmp/datafile-location' )

Any parameter specified to the add_key_provider function can be a json_object instead of the string, similar to the above examples.

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